
Instruction manual

How to Start!
Step 1: Add your site or video at "Add page" to our system.
Step 2: Start to earn points.
Step 3: At "Social Accounts" you can enter your individual user account.
Add page
Step 1: Select the type of social network that you want to promote.
Step 2: Enter the URL of your page or video. Please do not use special characters.
Step 3: Enter a title. Please use only letters and numbers.
Step 4: Select the coins for each click to your side or video. (1 to 5).
Step 5: Choose which gender you want to have your clicks from.
Step 6: Choose which country you want to have your clicks from.
My pages
Here is a list of pages that you have entered in our system. You can see how many clicks your page has received. You also have the option to make changes to the title, to change the points per click rate and the gender and country.
Social Accounts
At "Social Accounts" you can enter your account. On YouTube for example, it is required to obtain subscribes. Without this you can not give video likes. The same goes for Twitter followers and Soundcloud followers.
Earn Coins
Here you can find all the social Networks we provide.

Step 1: Select the social network you which to earn points with.
Step 2: Make sure that you are online in the desired Network.
Step 3: Click on the "Like", "Follow" or "View" button.
Here you can see what we offer for referring new members. You'll also find your personal referral link and banners.
If you click on the number of Referred, you see an overview of all members recommended by you.
Transfer Coins
Here you can transfer points to another member in our system. The system will charge a transfer fee. The current transfer fee can be found on the page.
Redeem Coupon
We offer you at irregular intervals, in our newsletter or on our social pages, a reddem coupon. This coupon code can then be redeemed for points.
Daily Bonus
Active members can earn a daily bonus. You can find more information about the bonus and the activity on the site.
VIP Membership
As a VIP member of our system you have the following advantages:

Advantage 1: The "points per click" system can be increased up to 10.
Advantage 2: The daily bonus is higher, with the same activity.
Advantage 3: You can change your country of origin and gender.
Advantage 4: Your page is further in front, than the sites of the "free" members.
Buy Coins
If you don't want to earn points, you can purchase them in our system. The system uses PayPal for payment processing. Your points will automatically be available after payment.